Although aluminum electrolytic capacitor is a kind of common electronic components, it is easy to be affected by extreme conditions such as high temperature and low temperature, resulting in damage of components. How to avoid these problems effectively depends on the characteristics of aluminum electrolytic capacitor itself.
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors place metal sheets on both sides of the paper soaked in electrolyte. This electrolyte evaporates over the life of the capacitor, changing its electrical properties. If the capacitor fails, it will react violently: pressure is formed in the capacitor, forcing it to release flammable and corrosive gases.
The rate of electrolyte evaporation is closely related to the capacitor temperature. When the working temperature drops by 10 ℃, the life of the capacitor is doubled. The rated life of a capacitor is usually the result obtained at its maximum rated temperature. The typical rated life is 1000 hours at 105 degrees Celsius.
When these capacitors are selected for long-life applications such as the LED bulb shown in Figure 1 (the LED life is 25000 hours), the capacitor life becomes an issue. To achieve a life of 25000 hours, the capacitor requires an operating temperature of no more than 65 degrees Celsius. This operating temperature is particularly challenging because in this application, the ambient temperature can exceed 125 degrees Celsius.
市场上有一些高额定温度的电容器,但是在大多数情况下,铝电解电容器都将成为 LED灯泡寿命的瓶颈组件。
There are some capacitors with high rated temperature on the market, but in most cases, aluminum electrolytic capacitors will become the bottleneck component of LED bulb life.
类似铝电解电容这种寿命温度依赖度实际影响了降低电容器额定电压的方法。首先想到的可能是增加电容器额定电压来最小化电介质失效的机率。但是,这样做会使电容器的等效串联电阻 (ESR)更高。由于电容器一般会具有高纹波电流应力,因此这种高电阻会带来额外的内部功耗,并且增加电容器温度。故障率随温度升高而增加。实际上,铝电解电容器通常只使用其额定电压的80%左右。
Similar to aluminum electrolytic capacitor, the life temperature dependence actually affects the method of reducing the rated voltage of capacitor. The first thought may be to increase the rated voltage of the capacitor to minimize the probability of dielectric failure. However, this will result in a higher equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the capacitor. Since capacitors generally have high ripple current stress, this high resistance will bring additional internal power consumption and increase capacitor temperature. The failure rate increases with the increase of temperature. In fact, aluminum electrolytic capacitors usually use only about 80% of their rated voltage.
When the capacitor temperature is low, ESR increases sharply, as shown in Fig. 2. In this case, the resistance increases in an order of magnitude at - 40 ℃. This affects power supply performance in many ways. If the capacitor is used in the output of the switching power supply, the output ripple voltage increases in order of magnitude.
In addition, at the frequency above zero formed by ESR and output capacitance, it increases the loop gain by an order of magnitude, thus affecting the control loop. This creates an unstable power supply with oscillations. In order to adapt to this strong vibration, the control loop usually makes a huge compromise in space and works at higher temperatures.
Through the above analysis, it can be found that extending the service life of aluminum electrolytic capacitor is mainly realized by the operating temperature of the controller.